
Chapter 79 – Wen Zhihan, My Hands Are Cold


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Wen Zhihan took a piece of strawberry-flavored candy into her hand.

In the silence, she couldn’t help but picture Shao Cixin’s face and the way she’d kissed her with the candy in her mouth.

They’d kissed countless times, but every time they kissed, Wen Zhihan would still feel butterflies in her stomach, happy, excited, and satisfied.

Just like how she felt right now.

No one could tell Wen Zhihan whether Shao Cixin chose these candies intentionally or whether she was just overthinking it. 

Fortunately, Wen Zhihan now had evidence to believe in the first explanation.

Judging from Shao Cixin’s reluctance to part with her this time, it could really be intentional…

Wen Zhihan should just treat it as intentional.

—As a fantasy Shao Cixin generously gifted her.

People always needed to have a little fantasy to move forward.

Wen Zhihan got up, found an empty jar, and put all the candies in it. Then she carefully tucked it in her work bag.

Tomorrow, she would take the candy to the company and put it on her desk. Every time she raised her eyes, she would see it, as if Shao Cixin had never left and was always by her side.

There was one piece left in her palm.

She silently looked at the brightly wrapped candy.

After a while, her fingers gathered together to hold the candy tightly.

—Yes, let’s just treat it as intentional.

Shao Cixin was conscientiously working hard on the set.

With Zhou Hong’s past guidance and the fact that she had been rigorously taking acting classes every week for the last few months, her acting skills had already improved by leaps and bounds.

Now she could accomplish her scenes with ease, fulfilling every script requirement perfectly.

At the end of the year, her previous film The General, starring her, would finally be released.

And in the following year, she would use The General to try again for the Best Actress award.

If she failed, she would place her hopes in this movie she was currently filming.

In other words, she would never stop trying.

Life is short, and you must do what you can in the time that you have to avoid any regrets.

In her previous life, she had sorely missed her acting days countless times after marriage, regretting that her wife didn’t like celebrities.

If Wen Yu had supported her when they were together, then Shao Cixin might have shone brightly in the industry in her first life. But Wen Yu was never interested in doing so.

Fortunately, Shao Cixin was lucky enough to restart her life in this world. It was a very precious opportunity.

This time, she must win the Best Actress award!

She just didn’t know if she could win over Wen Zhihan too…

After finishing work in the evening, Shao Cixin returned to her hotel to rest.

When she finished her shower, she put on a face mask and held her phone in her hand, unwilling to put it down.

She was looking at her chat history with Wen Zhihan.

The last time they talked, Wen Zhihan was concerned about Shao Cixin’s life on set and said that she would come to visit her when she had time.

But Guanglan’s workload was heavy this time of year, and Wen Zhihan, as the CEO, couldn’t leave her station for a while.

Shao Cixin didn’t mind when Wen Zhihan came, as long as she came.

Even if Wen Zhihan didn’t come, Shao Cixin would still be satisfied knowing that Wen Zhihan had thought of coming.

[Beautiful Mrs. Shao]: The weather is getting colder, please keep warm.

Shao Cixin turned to look out her window.

It was true. The signs of autumn were everywhere, in the leaves and in the wind. In the blink of an eye, it was already October, and more than one year had passed since she and Wen Zhihan got married.

Over this last year or so, too many unexpected things happened to her.

There were good moments and bad moments, laughter and tears.

The most unexpected thing that happened to her was falling in love with Wen Zhihan. But the most happy thing that happened to her was also falling in love with Wen Zhihan.

Wen Zhihan was very different from other people.

She was always gentle and considerate, like a hot current flowing into Shao Cixin’s heart, constantly enveloping her with warmth.

In front of Wen Zhihan, Shao Cixin didn’t need to worry about being denied or hurt, and she could always act like her truest self.

“Ai…” Shao Cixin couldn’t help but sigh softly.

The more she thought about Wen Zhihan, the more she missed her.

She hadn’t kissed Wen Zhihan for such a long time!

Withdrawing from her thoughts, she looked at her phone screen again.

Her fingertips pressed on the digital keyboard, and she boldly sent: [Wen Zhihan, I haven’t seen you for so long. I miss you so much.]

I want to see you, I want to kiss you, I want to hold you, I want to hear you call my name.

I want to know if you’ve fallen in love with me…

Thousands of words came into her heart, and she wanted to say them out loud, but she was too timid.

She didn’t know how Wen Zhihan would interpret her message. Maybe she would believe it was a pure longing between friends.

She couldn’t guess the answer by herself, but she soon saw Wen Zhihan’s reply.

[Beautiful Mrs. Shao]: I miss you too.

It was just four words, but they were full of lovesickness.

Shao Cixin abruptly sat up from the sofa. She stared at Wen Zhihan’s message with disbelief on her face.

Heavens, she said she missed me too!

I meant it that way, did she mean it that way too?!

She meant it that way… She meant it that way, right?

Shao Cixin’s expression gradually changed from excitement to seriousness. Finally, she wiggled her hands to stop herself from feeling too intoxicated. 

Forget it. It didn’t matter if it was that way or not.

As long as Wen Zhihan missed her, it was progress and a victory!

—Please God, let Wen Zhihan miss me more, dream about me more. Of course, it would be even better if she could fall in love with me in the next second!


Far away in Fengcheng, Wen Zhihan turned her face and sneezed lightly, wondering who was talking about her.

She glanced out the window, then lowered her head and typed with a serious expression on her face: [Pay attention to your health and don’t catch a cold.]

When she finally had time, she would travel to the location of the set and meet her beloved, whom she hadn’t seen for several months.

In early November, it snowed for the first time in Fengcheng.

At ten o’clock in the evening, Shao Cixin finally concluded a day of filming and returned to her hotel exhausted.

After shooting a martial arts scene for the whole day, she was almost too tired to stand.

“There’s nothing else we have to do. Mumu, you should also go back and rest early. Good night.”

“Okay, you go to bed early too. Have a good night.”

Shao Cixin finished saying her farewells to Lin Mumu. As she massaged her neck, she opened the door to her room.

She walked into the room and closed the door behind her, then she turned.

—Her movements came to a stop.

The originally cold and empty suite had been illuminated with bright lights, and there was a person sitting on the sofa in the living room.

The person that Shao Cixin had longed for day and night.

Shao Cixin couldn’t believe it. Fearing that she was hallucinating from exhaustion, she rubbed her eyes over and over again.

After repeatedly confirming that she was not looking at an illusion, she became overjoyed.

“Wen Zhihan!”

Wen Zhihan stood up slowly. Then she smiled warmly at Shao Cixin. “You’re back.”

Shao Cixin’s body reacted on instinct. She quickly ran over, throwing herself onto Wen Zhihan and hugging her tightly, before asking in a bewildered voice, “How are you here! When did you get here?”

Words flew out of her mouth.

“I had a lot of scenes to film today, so I finished work a little late. Did you have to wait for long? I’m sorry…”

She looked up at Wen Zhihan.

“But I’m really happy that you came today. Super happy!”

If someone gave her a tail right now, Shao Cixin could wag it all the way to the sky!

Wen Zhihan felt very fulfilled seeing Shao Cixin so excited.

The best thing in the world was when the person you liked also liked to see you.

Wen Zhihan cherished the person in her arms, savoring Shao Cixin’s warmth with a selfish possessiveness. She answered Shao Cixin’s questions one by one.

“I became free recently, so I came to see you. I’ll leave in a couple of days,” she said. “I got here in the evening, but I would’ve waited for you regardless. You’ve worked hard, Cixin. You should rest well tonight.”

Shao Cixin’s eyes were about to overflow with happiness. 

The moment she saw Wen Zhihan in the room, all the fatigue in her body was instantly washed away by joy and her heart became filled with happiness.

She had so much to say to Wen Zhihan, and she could even stay up all night chatting with her!

What fatigue? That part of her mind didn’t exist.

Her Mrs. Shao was here, so how could she be tired?

At that moment, Wen Zhihan’s thought process wasn’t as complicated as Shao Cixin’s.

She knew that Shao Cixin had a very exhausting day of work, so she wanted her to have a good rest. She urged Shao Cixin to take a bath to warm up and then lie down to sleep early.

Shao Cixin complied.

After everything was done, she lay in bed facing Wen Zhihan.

Wen Zhihan had no intention of doing anything, but she did.

Shao Cixin was wracking her brain for ways to make contact with Wen Zhihan, even if it was something as small as holding hands.

Speaking of holding hands, she suddenly remembered something important—Wen Zhihan didn’t like it when her hands were cold.

A few minutes had passed since Shao Cixin left the shower. The weather was cold, and her exposed fingertips were beginning to feel chilly.

She had an idea, so she reached out to Wen Zhihan and said pitifully, “Wen Zhihan, my hands are cold.”

Sure enough, Wen Zhihan heard this and immediately took Shao Cixin’s hands, gently massaging them as she said, “I’ll warm them up for you.”

Then Wen Zhihan straightened the blanket on Shao Cixin’s body so that Shao Cixin’s feet were also covered and protected from the cold. “Go to sleep, good night.”

After saying good night, she closed her eyes.

Shao Cixin was tired from filming, and Wen Zhihan was also exhausted after flying all the way over from Fengcheng.

In the winter, nesting under some blankets can be the most comfortable feeling in the world.

Wen Zhihan was looking forward to enjoying a warm night in her dreams with the person that she loved.

As if being coaxed, Shao Cixin unconsciously yawned after listening to Wen Zhihan’s gentle voice.

Even so, she still managed to gather her energy and ask, “Are you just going to sleep?”

Wen Zhihan slowly opened her eyes and gazed at Shao Cixin.

Of course she didn’t want to just go to sleep like this.

After several months of separation, she missed Shao Cixin more than anything else. She wanted to kiss her lips and every inch of her skin.

She also wanted to press her underneath her and make up for all the time they had been apart.

But she knew that after a busy day at work, the most important thing to do was have a good rest.

No one liked to toss and turn when they were in a state of exhaustion.

“En, I’m just going to sleep.”

“You won’t do it?”

“No,” Wen Zhihan answered decisively.

Shao Cixin was stunned.

She had been rejected with no mercy.

She felt very distressed, as if she’d been cast into a cold palace before she even had the chance to express her feelings—and she would never get the chance again.

It seemed that Wen Zhihan still didn’t like her…


Unable to sense the other party’s enthusiasm, Shao Cixin resembled a disheartened puppy. Her eyebrows lowered, and she felt the urge to take back her hand, not wanting to be a nuisance to the other party.

But as soon as she retracted her fingers a little, Wen Zhihan’s hand caught up to her.

For a moment, Wen Zhihan’s grip tightened.

“Your hands are still cold. Let me warm them for you.

“You’ve had a long day of filming, so you shouldn’t exhaust yourself tonight. Be good and go to bed early.”

Wen Zhihan’s voice was, as always, gentle as water.

Shao Cixin blinked when she heard this, and she suddenly became enlightened.

It turned out that it wasn’t because Wen Zhihan didn’t want to, but because Wen Zhihan was afraid that she, Shao Cixin, would be too tired!

Looking at her hand being held tightly by Wen Zhihan, Shao Cixin felt like she still had a chance!

Wen Zhihan cared about her so much, so how could she not have her in her heart?

Wen Zhihan came all the way here to see her, so how could she not like her back?

…Wen Zhihan was so good, so how could Shao Cixin not fall in love with her?

“You’re right,” Shao Cixin said with a smile. “Then let’s hold a seminar tomorrow.”

Wen Zhihan opened her eyes again.

Shao Cixin’s smile turned charming. “I’m only filming in the morning tomorrow~”

The curves at the ends of Wen Zhihan’s lips deepened. She pulled the blanket over Shao Cixin’s shoulders and covered the other person tightly.

“Go to sleep.”

The next afternoon, the two of them returned to bed and never left.

Their long-lost breaths lingered on each other.

Shao Cixin sat on Wen Zhihan’s lap, her fingers buried in her hair. Her other hand hugged Wen Zhihan’s neck as she raised her head and closed her eyes in pleasure.

Her long hair flowed down along her shoulders, smooth as water.

Wen Zhihan hugged Shao Cixin tightly, as if she wanted to knead her into her body, merging the two of them into one—never to be separated again.

She started to miss Shao Cixin after just one day of separation, and her desire to see her only became more intense in the ensuing months.

It was painful to miss a person…

Shao Cixin lowered her head and kissed Wen Zhihan, her eager desire obvious at a glance.

She pushed Wen Zhihan’s shoulders and went on the attack, pressing the other person underneath her.

They were like two pairs of tools that were inseparable from each other and could only be controlled by one another. At this moment, they only had the other person in their eyes.

Suddenly, all noises withdrew from their world, and all of nature’s colors converged on the person in front of them, their five senses completely occupied by their partner.

Both people harbored a lingering desire to be close to each other and to selfishly care for each other.

“Wen Zhihan…”


“Have you…met anyone very beautiful recently?”

Shao Cixin never forgot Wen Zhihan’s statement about liking beautiful people.

When Wen Zhihan heard Shao Cixin, she raised her eyes and gazed at her. A charming smile suddenly bloomed on her beautiful face. “Yes.”

Shao Cixin’s heart seized. “Who?”

Wen Zhihan intertwined her fingers with Shao Cixin’s, and said, “You.”

She kissed her knuckles. “No one is more beautiful than our Cixin.”

In her world, there was no one who could surpass Shao Cixin.

Shao Cixin was so flattered that she turned over with a brilliant smile and began wildly hugging and kissing Wen Zhihan.

She loved to hear these types of words from Wen Zhihan the most.

Rounded up, they meant that Wen Zhihan liked her!

It wasn’t until evening that the two of them stopped, took a shower, and cleaned up. They had dinner together, then went out to build a snowman and enjoy the surrounding scenery.

It was the happiest day Shao Cixin experienced since joining the crew.

Wen Zhihan stayed for her promised two days, then left.

Guanglan still needed her, and she couldn’t stay away for too long.

Fortunately, Shao Cixin should be able to return home at the end of the next month, so they wouldn’t be apart for much longer either.

Wen Zhihan promised her that she would personally take her home once she returned to Fengcheng.

Shao Cixin happily nodded her head in agreement.

After seeing Wen Zhihan off, Shao Cixin returned to her hotel room alone.

Although Wen Zhihan had already left, her breath seemed to linger in the room, accompanying Shao Cixin along with her memories.

Looking back on their two days together, Shao Cixin touched her chin thoughtfully.

She truly felt more and more confident that Wen Zhihan liked her.

It couldn’t just be her imagination, right?

Even if it wasn’t the love she wanted, Shao Cixin must already have an important place in Wen Zhihan’s heart which exceeded her own imagination!

Time flew like an arrow.

December was like a gust of wind, suddenly blowing in front of people and sounding the bells to the end of the year.

The crew’s filming progressed very smoothly, and everyone cooperated with each other. No one made any serious mistakes. If nothing else happened, all the parties involved would be able to wrap up production by the end of the month and happily return home.

After filming, Shao Cixin was naturally looking forward to returning home the most.

When she got back, she could see her parents, see Wen Zhihan, and have a vacation where she was free to eat and rest whenever she wanted. She liked these things too much!

But she never expected that, before she returned home, she would stumble upon an unexpected secret—

Lin Mumu went to see Guan Yan behind her back.

Guan Yan also kissed Lin Mumu’s forehead.

They stood under a tree, hugging each other like lovers.

Shao Cixin, who witnessed this scene: “…?”

Her assistant’s girlfriend was actually Wen Zhihan’s assistant??

When did they meet?!

The author (热到昏厥) has something to say:

Soon, soon.

Friends, play less games. It’s bad for your eyesight. For example, I can barely see the money in my wallet right now QAQ

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1 month ago

I knew that would happen the moment they went off on their own stuff while WZH and SCX met haha I was so surprised not seeing any progress for so long

Would love your thoughts!x