
Chapter 77 – She Must Have Me in Her Heart!


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In a lounge backstage, Shao Cixin sat on a sofa, her hand supporting her head, her eyes fixed on the corner of the table opposite her. She was motionless, deep in thought, thinking about what happened yesterday.

Wen Zhihan was watching a fan-edited CP video. Not only did she watch the fan-edited CP video, but she also gave it a like and tipped it.

This video was a compilation of Shao Cixin calling Wen Zhihan “wife.” After watching it, Wen Zhihan even turned around and called her cute!

Were these the actions of someone who wanted to break up with their wife? No!

Thinking this, Shao Cixin couldn’t help but feel elated, her heart beating quickly.

This was great. This was really great!

If Wen Zhihan didn’t want to break up with her, if Wen Zhihan actually really liked her, then she had a chance!

She, Shao Cixin, could finally experience a sweet relationship of her own!

Wait a second.

She suddenly calmed down again.

This wasn’t her wishful thinking, right…?

Shao Cixin fell into deep contemplation again.

Besides her, there was another person in the lounge—Rong Ya.

Rong Ya sat across from Shao Cixin, watching her expression change from sudden elation to solemness as if she was suffering from a split-personality disorder.

“Cixin,” Rong Ya asked, concerned, “Are you okay?”

Shao Cixin came back to her senses and replied, “Yeah, what’s wrong?”

Rong Ya told her, “You’re asking me what’s wrong? Should I get you a mirror so you can look at your own expression? One minute you’re happy, the next minute you’re stern. I have no idea what’s going on with you.”

Shao Cixin waved her hand dismissively. “It’s nothing, don’t worry.”

Rong Ya scanned Shao Cixin twice to make sure she was really in her right mind before she felt relieved. Then she turned to look at Shao Cixin’s itinerary and began reading it out loud for the person involved:

“You’re still scheduled to appear on two more variety shows before you join the motion picture crew. Before this, I won’t accept too many other activities for you. Just rest for a while and film the variety shows. Take the time to go home and visit relatives.

“We will join the motion picture crew in July, and the film is expected to take about six months to shoot. If there are no surprises, principal photography will be completed by the end of the year. Then you can take a vacation and have a good rest.

“By the way, have you said goodbye to President Wen yet? You live together, so you should let her know before you leave.”

Shao Cixin’s ears twitched, but she didn’t answer Rong Ya’s question. Instead, she said seriously, “Ms. Rong, you’ve changed.”

Rong Ya: “?”

Shao Cixin told her sadly, “You don’t even say ‘Your family’s President Wen’ now!”

Rony Ya: “???”

Shao Cixin remained stern. “I hope you can correct yourself.”

Rong Ya stood up and changed her seat so she was sitting next to Shao Cixin. She narrowed her eyes and looked at Shao Cixin meaningfully. “Mrs. Wen, it seems like I am not the only one who has changed, right?”

It was not hard to suspect that Shao Cixin, a person who never previously cared about titles, had already fallen for Wen Zhihan.

Rong Ya felt deeply worried about this.

People like Wen Zhihan were difficult to grasp. They were always unpredictable, because you never knew if they were secretly playing chess behind your back.

So Rong Ya was very worried that Shao Cixin had fallen for the wrong person, and that she couldn’t catch Wen Zhihan’s eyes.

Just look at Shao Cixin when she was with Wen Yu, struggling to support a whole relationship by herself. What reason did such a love have to move forward?

Rong Ya didn’t want Shao Cixin’s love life to be full of so many ups and downs.

“Cixin,” Rong Ya said with a solemn expression, “Calm down. Before you confirm that she likes you too, you must hold onto your heart.”

Shao Cixin raised her eyes to look at Rong Ya, then at the corner of the table.

She understood Rong Ya’s worries and knew that her manager just wanted the best for her, but the situation was different now. Wen Zhihan’s actions had given her a lot of confidence and courage.

“I know, but…she seems to like me.”

Wen Zhihan had clearly said that she was an unaffected person, but she watched a video of Shao Cixin calling her wife and praised Shao Cixin for being cute.

Although this evidence was not sufficient, it still gave Shao Cixin a glimmer of hope.

There was a possibility between them.

“Seems to?” Rong Ya repeated the word skeptically.

Shao Cixin looked at her again and added carefully, “She seems to be about to like me.”

Rong Ya: “…”

Could you even say something like “about to” before the word “like?!”

Rong Ya reached out and patted Shao Cixin’s shoulder like a worried old mother. “Like I said, before Wen Zhihan says she likes you, you must not give yourself away.

“Sister, I really don’t want you to fall down again on the road of love.”

Her family’s Shao Cixin was beautiful with an interesting soul. She worked hard and never brought trouble to the company.

How could such a good child encounter such a turbulent love life?

God had no eyes…

Shao Cixin understood Rong Ya’s thoughts and felt that her concerns were valid.

She shouldn’t jump to conclusions when the other party hadn’t yet clearly expressed their feelings.

Once someone became too attached, they could also become a nuisance and cause trouble to others.

Shao Cixin didn’t want to become this type of person, and Wen Zhihan definitely didn’t like this kind of person either.

To be honest, she was also afraid of encountering another Wen Yu situation.

Where the other party keeps feeding her hope, letting her fall again and again, but in the end turns around and says to her, “I don’t love you.”

No one wanted to experience this kind of pain a second time.

But Shao Cixin didn’t want to give up on Wen Zhihan either…

Maybe her fate was to be forever intertwined with the Wen family.

Shao Cixin slumped down on the armrest of the sofa in dejection. But after a while, she cheered up again.

No, hope was around the corner. She couldn’t give up so easily—What if she missed her chance?

Wen Zhihan was Wen Zhihan, so she couldn’t be as heartless as Wen Yu.

Regardless of the outcome, she should give it a try—try to make Wen Zhihan say she, Wen Zhihan, liked her!

Shao Cixin’s eyes lit up again.

That’s right, as long as Wen Zhihan said she liked her, Shao Cixin could of course say she liked her back!

Shao Cixin, Shao Cixin, you’re really a genius!

Seeing Shao Cixin’s eyes flash from depressed to excited again, Rong Ya suddenly felt perplexed.

Was this child really okay…

Shao Cixin’s grand plan to test Wen Zhihan’s feelings and receive a confession was underway.

Relationships needed to be treated with caution and care, and they could not be rushed into rashly. Otherwise, if Shao Cixin was not careful, her agreement with Wen Zhihan might be ruined, and it was very likely that they wouldn’t even be able to maintain their current superficial relationship as lawfully wedded wives.

The day after filming the seventh episode of their variety show, Wen Zhihan was busy working at home with no time to spare.

She sat at the dining table with a computer in front of her and various documents spread out on the surface. Her workload was visible to anyone with clear eyes.

Shao Cixin lay on the sofa, occasionally sticking her head out and secretly looking at Wen Zhihan’s back.

She really wanted to go over and carry out her plan, but when she saw Wen Zhihan’s intensively focused figure, she was forced to stop thinking about it.

Wen Zhihan already had enough work, it was better not to make things even more difficult for her…

After a while, Wen Zhihan finally put down the pen in her hands and rubbed her eyelids with exhaustion.

After dealing with work for so long, she was ready to take a break.

—An opportunity has arrived!

Without saying a word, Shao Cixin left the sofa as quickly as possible. She didn’t even put on her slippers as she ran to Wen Zhihan’s back to show her tenderness and consideration.

She stood on the ground with her bare feet and gently began massaging Wen Zhihan’s shoulders, asking sweetly, “Are you tired, Senior Sister?”

Tired? Of course Wen Zhihan was tired. No one liked to work.

This was Wen Zhihan’s current psychological state.

But when she saw Shao Cixin running over to massage her shoulders and caring about her so sweetly, her fatigue suddenly dissipated a little.

“Why did you come over without your shoes?”

As she spoke, Wen Zhihan gripped Shao Cixin’s hand, wanting her to sit down next to her. But the chairs on her left and right were piled sky-high with documents and books.


Shao Cixin thought to herself, “God, help me!”

Then she sat on Wen Zhihan’s lap and looked at her calmly as she said, “It’s summer, it’s very hot, so it’s okay not to wear shoes.”

—What chair was she in need of? Weren’t her sister’s legs so comfortable?!

Wen Zhihan slightly raised her eyes to look at Shao Cixin.

She didn’t know why, but she felt a sense of enthusiasm emanating from Shao Cixin—an enthusiasm she didn’t know the reason for.

Recalling that Shao Cixin had just called her senior sister, Wen Zhihan suddenly had a thought.

Could it be that Shao Cixin was…asking something from her?

“Cixin.” Wen Zhihan lightly pressed on Shao Cixin’s fingertips and asked in a warm voice, “Is there anything you need my help with?”


Shao Cixin wondered, “No, why do you think so?”

Was she the type of person who bothered Wen Zhihan for help every day?

Damn it, was she, the person named Shao Cixin, so heartless?!

“Because you called me ‘Senior Sister.’”


“Whenever you need my help, you always call me Senior Sister.”


The evidence was well-founded, but it could still be refuted.

Shao Cixin couldn’t help but say, “When we have ‘discussions,’ I also call you ‘Senior Sister.’”

Wen Zhihan laughed softly when she heard this.

Shao Cixin was not wrong.

“Does Cixin want it?”

“No,” Shao Cixin said in a rare refusal. “I saw that you were working so hard, so I came here to take care of you by giving you a shoulder and leg massage.

“How is it, am I good?”

Wen Zhihan’s voice was as gentle as the wind. With a smile on her eyes and lips, she said, “It’s good. Our Cixin is the best.”

She looked at Shao Cixin with eyes full of hope.

Shao Cixin’s thinking hadn’t been incorrect. It was indeed hard to consider a disciplinary notebook with a page full of names as a confession.

In her mind, Wen Zhihan never took the disciplinary notebook seriously. She even used it as scrap paper, so to her, it was no different from an ordinary notebook. However, Shao Cixin was afraid of it, so she naturally wouldn’t take it as lightly.

Actually, this was quite good.

Even without the names in the disciplinary notebook, she may not have necessarily confessed to Shao Cixin.

And if she had confessed back then, she would have definitely still been rejected. This was because Wen Zhihan truly believed that the Shao Cixin at the time was not interested in love.

She just regretted that, back then, she didn’t even have the courage.

Maybe if she had dared to ask Shao Cixin about her favorite university, and if they had been targeting the same university, the situation now would be completely different…

When Shao Cixin heard Wen Zhihan compliment her, she was immediately elated.

—She said I was the best. She must have me in her heart!

Shao Cixin couldn’t help but start to push Wen Zhihan further.

She lowered her eyes and twisted Wen Zhihan’s long hair around her fingertips, playing with it as she said, “You know I’m the best, so you can’t find another companion while I’m filming…”

Wen Zhihan was puzzled. “What companion?”

Shao Cixin covered her lips with Wen Zhihan’s hair and said cautiously, “…A bed companion?”

Wen Zhihan laughed lightly. “When did I ever have another bed companion?”

Shao Cixin said frankly, “In the past!”

Wen Zhihan: “?”

Shao Cixin said, “You’ve had another bed companion in the past!”

Wen Zhihan: “???”

Wen Zhihan was deeply confused.

When did she have a bed partner before, and how come she didn’t know about them?

Could someone be spreading rumors that her private life was in chaos?!

Shao Cixin looked at Wen Zhihan’s expression and realized that she seemed completely clueless about the matter.

She immediately became confused herself. “Didn’t you say that?”

Wen Zhihan: “?”

Did she say it?

Shao Cixin scratched her face. “The first time we did it, I asked you how you knew all this. You told me not to be curious, so doesn’t that mean you had a bed companion in the past, and you didn’t want me to pry too much into your private life?”

Wen Zhihan: “…”

What level of understanding was this?

The author (热到昏厥) has something to say:

It’s a level full of bells and whistles[1].

The main text is also gradually coming to an end.

Let me ask you in advance, what kind of extras do you little cuties want to read?

I will also let you know if I have any ideas, I will write them down when the time comes~

The translator (AmEricaNo) has something to say:

We will now *actually* be transitioning to a three day schedule for the rest of the summer.

In other news, the Ko-fi special will be ending next Saturday.

The author has written some really fun alternate universe extras, so please look forward to it.

[1] In other words, flashy.

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